Experimenting with Daniel Smith Granulating Paints
Granulating pigments have fascinated me with my journey into abstraction. Daniel Smith paints have a fantastic listing of granulating pigments. I've been using this as my chart reference and slowly been testing and researching each of the pigments. As you will notice below, I have first done one circle of an individual color. The next step is mixing that color with other granulating pigments: the test color gets painted first (juicy onto dry paper) and a second pigment is applied over top (juicy pigment). I'm using Arteza Mixed Media pad 9x12" 110 gm weight. Once I see how the combinations react, which ones are exciting, or appeal to me, I complete 2 abstracts using just those colors. Techniques vary from doing wet on wet, wet on dry, dry brush, using pipettes of water for rivulets, and water spray bottles. Occasionally I will supplement the abstract paintings with inks, acrylic pens, or water color pencils.
Granulating Colors
Following are the colors that have been part of my granulating mixing research. Because there are 129 different colors, I've broken them into separate pages as well as this long page with all of the colors.
For a faster view of each color select below:
Yellow Pigments
Unique Visits